Anyone familiar with the IVF process?

Wife and I are middle aged in good health, her company paid to freeze her eggs in her late 20s, they implanted a boy embryo a couple of weeks ago, it implanted in the womb and today we found out it stopped growing.

My question is have any of you went through IVF and if so how many times did you go through the process until the embryo started to grow ?


I csme here to crack wise but this seems serious plus I can’t think of anything.

Good luck!

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IVF dad of twin two year olds.

I wish I had more to offer, but we had a total of four “good” embryos after extraction and fertilization and we chose to implant the two best ones and they both stuck and turned into our little fellas on the first go.

Our good friends did IVF as well and they were one and done too.

First time IVF success rates are somewhere around 25-35% so it is definitely the exception. Success rates seem to increase with additional rounds.

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Our doctors rated our “good” embryos and let us know their success rates based on the embryo’s rating. They were very strict on their grades.

Have they discussed grades and percentages with you?

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They’ve discussed percentages with us, this embryo was supposed to be 70% and we have a couple of more at or near that percentage rate. Thank you for your response, we know the likelihood wasn’t high the first, but it still sucks.

Stop being a faggot and talk some shit lol


I’ve got 19 year old twins that came from IVF. They “harvested “ 15 eggs and fertilized them. 4 took and became embryos. They put 2 in and both took, the second round unfortunately none took

Have experience with IUI and IVF.

It’s all luck and best wishes.

Not sure if this is related to why you’re considering IVF, but you may want to read this first.

“Reports from the University of Maryland (25) and Germany (1) show that before you consult an infertility doctor to help you become pregnant, you and your partner should take antibiotics to treat a possible hidden infection. Many other studies show that the most common cause of infertility is a uterine infection”

Note: Both husband and wife should take it simultaneously; otherwise, there is a risk of reinfection rendering the treatment useless.

That was the first thing the IVF place told us to do.

We got lucky with our son. First implanted embryo and it worked. A year later we implanted a secinf embryo and it worked!

Another year and a half later, my wife got pregnant naturally!? That was not supposed to happen. LOL

I had 2 sons by IVF. It can be tough on the woman. Especially if it doesn’t “take” the first few times. The shots and the disappointment. I have to fantastic sons now 21&23. My wife literally did her own research and basically told the Dr’s what to do after several failures. Maybe it was just our time but it took. Because she went through so much the first time, we figured we would try just one time for our second. It happened first try. Thank God we had my youngest. Keep trying be your own advocate and do some research. Good luck. God bless

20 years ago, we went through several rounds none took. They did freeze some and even though we said not to keep them they contacted us years later asking what we wanted to do with them. They never discussed ratings or viability. We ended up adopting, the failures were hard on my wife.

The only thing that I know is that it either doesn’t work, or that you get twins.

Herbert I met someone with twins I always ask IVF???
95% of the time they say yes