Not photoshopped!

Hey, big boy
When the day of reckoning comes…holy fucking shit!
looks like a regualr at the blue oyster
He really could have just boiled all that down to “fags should stop fucking each other while infected with disease.”
Thats where all this tranny bullshit is taking us. It makes it so this dude feels like he has to use 3 additional groups to describe men that have sex with other men and I’m sure he feels awful for leaving out the other 482 genders that may or may not fuck gay dudes.
Also, this is the most disgusting, gay night club of an administration the world has ever seen. I’m surprised theres not stages set up on the lawns for gay dudes to bang each other in the name of freeom.
biden administration recruiting exclusively at the blue oyster?
Between this guy and that Dept. of Energy freak who said he’s into some sort of animal play, they look like they could start a Right Said Fred cover band.
"We’re “signaling to people who are in the gay/ bisexual/other-men-who-have sex-w/-men communities, & also transgender people who have sex w/ men…”
Fags. See how concise that is…?
Holy crap
Congrats to RdotC for finally getting a job, but looks like the lifestyle is catching up to him. Less drugs, less dick, more balanced diet.
Generally this seems to be the norm for this administration.
He said goddam while bitting his fist…
Looks like the right man for the job.
Had to hire a Super Fag to finally out that it’s a curse spread amongst butt fucking faggots.