Good ol rufus lol

That racist civil war relic finna lock all ya’ll up! Chainz bitches!

Low energy trolling.


It wasn’t that long ago that Romney and McCain were the presidential nominees for the Republican party.

Is the GOP voting base going to keep moving further to the right?

Or at some point will they realize general election electability is more towards the center?

Lol at using two centrist republicans that are massive losers in general elections as an example that electability lies in the center.

You literal fucking retard troll, derp of the century.

pepsi GIF

spit take GIF

Wasn’t Romney a corporate headhunter in between his political gigs?

You know, a man of the people.

Look at what happened to GOP’s midterm prospects after Roe was overturned.

They’ve lost every single bellwether election and democrats have had strong turnout in what is supposed to be a republican wave year.

Pretty clear that while the GOP wins on messaging with “back to basics” education (e.g. Youngkin), they lost all that goodwill with the abortion issue.

The GOP should probably field a few candidates for the grassroots to decide on;




Of those three types it should whittle down to three candidates and the GOP can get the neocon, the governor, or the senator out of that process.

Noem is a terrible politician.

She hides her deficiencies as a leader by kissing Trump’s ass which garners her a lot of praise from MAGA.

Tom Cotton would be a better option than her, and I don’t like Tom Cotton!

It’s not for me or you to decide. It’s for the grassroots to decide.

I think of those groups I’d be happy to see DeSantis, Paul, and Cheney move forward so that when the election starts we have three different candidates that the GOP members can choose from.

Fair enough.

Going by your pairings, I’d go with Noem, Paul, and Romney.

I chose Mitt over Cheney because the latter is completely DOA in republican politics so it is a waste of a pick.

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Yes Raskal you fuckwad. Mitt is definitely the man to beat them. Everyone that voted for Trump, all approx 75 million of them will vote for Mitt. Because he’s such a strong candidate and he did so great last time he ran. You Fucking goof …… lol

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OP loves Mitt more than his dads loved him…

None of these have a chance. Unless Floridians really get off on the culture war bullshit, the only wins he’s had is when he implements democrat policies. Not to mention that Florida has a higher cost of living than even California. And of course trump will campaign against him just because he’s not trump.

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This is the funniest thing about the cult of Ronnie.

All the legislation he’s signed that has turned him into an OG hero never survive a sniff of judicial review.

Meanwhile, he passes dem-friendly policies like $100b budgets with raises for state bureaucrats and the RonTards don’t even know about it.

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You lefties claiming what’s good for the right is about as good as righties claiming what’s good for the left.

Yep, many in the right would have voted for Tulsi and said she’s your best candidate.

It could be an indication they care more about integrity and decency than policy too.

Look at the complaints on this forum. I did a poll that 70 people replied to and 65% of people don’t want Trump to run, but they also see the persecution of Trump as horseshit. It’s an integrity thing, not an allegiance thing. It makes sense when you seek to understand rather than try to fit a square peg into the round hole matching your world view.

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Photo opps of Mitt as soon as it’s election season.


Romney has always been a Never-Trumper RINO.

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oh sure…that poor LUCIFER is just such a misunderstood fellow :laughing: