Active shooter in Memphis

Honestly I don’t think dudes get enough pussy nowadays. So they have a lot of built up aggression.

Online dating apps and shit changed the game and neutered guys. I work with some 18-25 year olds who never had to work for the push hahaha

Didn’t the mayor or whatever say he was going to make it a “radical” city or something?

He wasnt kidding

The media and left og’rs nowhere to be seen.


kids these days

Memphis Police Chief, CJ Davis

“Police did not immediately say how many people were injured or killed.”

Anyone seeing a count of victims? Amount dead? This is fucking bizarre. It’s not that difficult to start counting the people shot… bullet hole? 1. Bullet hole 2.

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Came to post about nothing on cnn



Blood on the left

ill be there this weekend, any place you would recommend for domestic light beers in a can?

I believe that was Jackson, Mississippi.

They really need to reconsider cruel/unusual punishment for pieces of shit like this guy.


Just another day in that godforsaken hell hole. Here’s a tip for all the white folks - do not under any circumstances live in a place where blacks are the majority.


Are there any nice, safe, black neighborhoods in America?

did lovato do butt stuff?

Cant fault her for runnin, just sucks the other woman didnt have the same sense to get away either

Wheres david hogg!!??

I know it’s been pointed out, but it is stunning to me that this hasn’t made CNN or MSNBC.


There’s been 5 shootings in my city in past week. We used to have like 1 incident a year. This gentleman Mr Ali was involved in a shooting 2 years ago and had another gun charge yet had been out free and shot a woman this weekend and put a bullet through the wall where a child was . The liberals running my town are doing everything they can to ruin it

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Why aren’t republicans tweeting about this anti white murder?

Fucking cowards every single one of them