Active shooter in Memphis

Maybe he can pled down and be back on the streets of Memphis in 5 years. Motherfuckers


They caught him alive?

Set him on fire


Clap his cheeks

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If anyone wonders why I hate Democrats so damn much, here is your answer. These judges and DAs in these Democrat shithole cities promote absolute lawlessness. How the fuck can someone charged on 1st degree attempted murder be a free person 2 years later?


Cookie, get a rope. Hang him high. Tom Lee Park would be a great place for everyone to watch his neck snap and shit himself.


This… Exactly, this…

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He killed people?

Honestly republicans need to pull the gloves off when it comes to ad attacks.

Also should start hitting issues that matter to everyone rather than just their core base.

Between this and the woman who was just kidnapped, they speak volumes as to what bail reform means in real time and I think 95% of people irregardless of political affiliation would all be on the same page


Said he got 8 when he was updating his Instagram. First video in this thread is him opening a door and shooting a white guy in the face. I’ll be surprised if all 8 victims weren’t white. Won’t get called “racially motivated” if I’m right

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Lol and I know people doing serious time for selling weed

CNN still has nothing on it. But they’re all over this:


MSNBC 4 hours after a person started shooting random people on Facebook live who is still at large:


Was gonna say, business as usual in most US inner cities…

I raise you MSNBC…

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I’m worried this type of violence is only going to ramp up. Especially with kids who were young teenagers when the pandemic hit. So late teens maybe early 20s.


I can’t wrap my head around only getting 3 years on 1st degree attempted murder. Doesn’t compute.

It’s Memphis. Democrat city. Liberal prosecutors. Liberal judges.


That dude is going to go to prison and become a black prison gang leader and he will victimize more white people with anal rape.

The black correction officers, especially the black females will bring him drugs, cigarettes, cellphone, cash.